If I learn or am told `What` i need to do in any situation yet i do not know `HOW` to do it, the `What` is absolutely useless. Some things are not simply black and white common sense do it after knowing What it is to do! I bet you have experienced this same thing more than a few times. Often i also need to know `Why` when it comes to my health.
I set this up for myself but the more who participate the more fun and support of each other we have; together we can accomplish small attainable goals one small step at a time. Even small steps at your own pace get you to your destination if you walk long enough!
It will improve our outlook on life, how we live it & our Health! Reducing stress is critical & there Are ways to do it! `Alone` is not a burden anyone should bare.
I do similar challenges at YouMeHealth
"Life is meant to be lived---not just exist in it!"
`Growing Up Without Growing Old`
Dance While You Can!
I `Have` to be pro-active concerning my health, to obtain the goal of `Optimum` Health --physically & mentally!
Optimum!---> the amount or degree of something that is most favorable to some end;
greatest degree attained or attainable under implied or specified conditions `Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary`
Our words have amazing Power to determine how we feel emotionally, physically & spiritually. They make up our mind set and our `Thinking` determines our moods, how we respond to life experiences positive and negative, relate to family, friends, co-workers and our mental state which Can & will make us `sick`!
The challenges will be fun & easily attainable in just a few minutes!
#1/ am Challenge:☑
Power `Word` or `Thought` For Today?
What do you need affirmation in? Maybe you don't think you are lovable. You might want to say something like, " My feelings do tend to lie to me when it comes to my self-esteem & I Refuse to believe a lie! I am Lovable and worth loving! Say it to yourself throughout the day, you can write in on a post it and stick in at your desk at work, car, fridg. or forehead!.
---This is a small start to making circumstances work For us & in our favor instead of being defeated at every unpleasant thing that comes to torture us.---
I know everyone deals with these issue's, do you have a job, a family, neighbors, a dog and 2 cats, a house Phone!?
You Know where I'm coming from :)
I'm still working on this and will make an info page ----> s i m p l i f y! I hope to have some company, it will be fun! Pass on Suggestions likes or wants! ✍
#2 *Short Read*
To Think On & Pay it Forward---->
"Giving is Good for Your Health"
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