
Who sits behind this little laptop & Why?

Visit a_thousandmiles's Xanga Site 

I'm a 54 yr old stay at home wife married to a coal miner here in western Ky. We've been married 25 yrs and i have twin stepdaughters who are in their 30's. We have 2 cats, Teacup is 16 and Fred is 3. 
We have been in town for 10 yrs now and are looking for some land to move back on, and it may be a tent until we get something built! Well, a small camper so we can sell the house. :) I never did adjust to living in town.

 I have a blog a xanga and use it mostly to socialize. 
  I've had online friends tell me to show what i make. It just might inspire someone to find a hobby that they are good at. I say that because i used to oil paint. It is not a natural talent but i refused to give up on a painting until i got it right. However...a friend of mine asked if i thought she would be good at it. I told her "if you think you would enjoy it and it would be relaxing i think you would be good at it." Betty is so good she sells many paintings and has been offered to do reproductions of Thomas Kincaide. Her lifestyle does not revolve around this so she has to say no a lot.
 You never know who you might inspire, many people online inspire me!

 I'm entering a new season of life and must change some things as the season changes. My seasons seem to come in decades!

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With Love

Email:  kycountrydreamer@gmail.com

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